Judicial Forensic Science Education

As technology plays an increasingly significant role in our society, it has become commonplace in the courtroom. New technological practices and discoveries bring forensic science topics such as DNA, latent print examinations, and digital evidence to the forefront of our court system. With technology playing a greater and greater role in resolving cases, it became obvious to Arizona judicial educators that many judges lack the educational background needed for a sufficient understanding of the scientific principles behind the forensic evidence they see in court.

Utah Courts Website

Technology in the Courts

The use of technology has become progressively more important to the efficient operations of courts nationwide. In Utah, the administrative office of the courts began seeking ways for the use of technology to increase court efficiency as far back as the early 1990s.

Dispute Resolution Skills Evolve to Fit a 21st Century Court System

Theories and practices relating to dispute resolution in the late 1970s and early 1980s focused on conflict management outside the courtroom. In 1986, court-mandated mediation and statutory arbitration were trending on the legislative front, models for appropriate alternatives to trial were emerging, and judges were hungry for information and tools.