NASJE Curriculum Designs

The National Association of State Judicial Educators (NASJE) is a professional membership organization for judicial branch education professionals. NASJE has created a series of curriculum designs for use when designing a course in twelve core competency areas. You’ll find links below to the full curriculum designs, as well as pointers for creating a course from the content within these curriculum designs. Also, following each of the curriculum designs, you will find many resources and activities to use to teach the curriculum and orient or advance your own education on the twelve competencies.

NOTE: Each link below downloads an Adobe Acrobat PDF document.

General Information for use with the curriculum:

Curriculum Designs for Each of the Twelve Competencies

1. Governance: Roles, Responsibilities, Structures, and Functions of Boards, Advisory, and Planning Committees

2. Developing and Implementing Curriculum and Program Development

3. Instructional Design

4. Faculty Development

5. Selecting and Managing Instructional Delivery Mechanisms, Including Distance Education

6. Managing Logistical Arrangements Needed for Instructional Delivery Mechanisms

7. Building and Maintaining Support for Judicial Branch Education Budgets and Resources

8. Human Resources Management

9. Leadership, Visioning, Organizational Planning, and Building and Maintaining Support for Judicial Branch Education

10. Needs Assessment

11. Evaluation

12. Diversity, Fairness and Access