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NASJE Curriculum Design - Governance Entry Level - Faculty Resources

National Association of State Judicial Educators (NASJE)

Governance Entry-Level Faculty Resource Meetings, Meetings, Meetings

Description: Meetings, Meetings, Meetings

Purpose of resource/document

This resource provides judicial branch educators with ideas about how to plan and conduct meetings for maximum effectiveness and efficiency. In planning they may work directly or in partnership with stakeholder-based governance leaders

Use of resource/document

This resource would be useful when discussing stakeholder-based governance entity meetings [see C, e, Planning and conducting meetings, pgs. 21 – 26 in the curriculum design].

NOTE:  Although faculty may choose to omit or only briefly discuss the content on meetings (based on the particular needs of the judicial branch education learners), meetings are the forums through which governance activities often occur.  Understanding how to effectively plan and implement meetings may be key to effective stakeholder-based governance.

Related documents or materials

Faculty Resources Blended Governance and Judicial Branch Educators, pg. 40 Generalized Relationships with Stakeholder-Based Governance, pg. 46 An Effective Agenda, pg. 51

Participant activity Necessary Components of Stakeholder-Based Governance, pg. 67

The Basics of Governance in Judicial Branch Education

Meetings, Meetings, Meetings

Effective meetings depend on careful planning, time and people management, and thorough follow-up activity.  Effective meetings achieve established goals, take only the amount of time necessary, and provide participants with a sense of accomplishment.  Stakeholder-based governance meetings are generally prepared and implemented by the group’s chair and the judicial branch educator working in collaboration.  The following may be the responsibility of the chair or the educator, but those decisions need to be made prior to planning a meeting.

Careful Planning

Time and People Management

Thorough Follow-Up Activity