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NASJE Curriculum Design - Governance Entry Level - Participant Activities

National Association of State Judicial Educators (NASJE)

Governance Entry-Level Faculty Resource Examining Administrative Governance

Description: Examining Administrative Governance

Purpose of activity

This activity engages judicial branch educators in seeing how their local administrative governance entity can benefit or inhibit judicial branch educational efforts.  Because the administrative governance entity is not changeable, this activity is simply to identify positive and negative aspects.  Understanding these aspects of the local administrative governance entity can assist judicial branch educators in identifying the skills and abilities they need to function effectively in a blended governance environment.  Because there may be a variety of sources or models of administrative governance represented in any group of learners, faculty needs to be prepared for broad and diverse feedback on this activity.

Use of activity

This activity would be effective if used after explaining what governance is and the specifics of administrative governance [see A, Governance, subparts a, Definition, b, Organizational, institutional, or administrative governance, and c, Stakeholder-based governance, pgs. 9 - 10 in the curriculum design].  If a wide range of administrative governance entities is not represented among the learners, after judicial branch educators have discussed their administrative governance entities, faculty may choose to generate a discussion about entities that are not represented and their potential benefits and drawbacks.

This is an individual activity, but a collective discussion is necessary to fulfill the learning objective.

Relevant Learning Objective



The Basics of Governance in Judicial Branch Education
Administrative Governance
Complete the following as it applies to your administrative governance entity(ies), the overarching organization in which judicial branch education resides.
Place a check mark next to your administrative entity:


Supreme Court




Administrative Office of the Courts


Local Court





Key services and/or products of the administrative entity:

Service or product

Recipient or beneficiary





















Benefits of being part of the administrative entity:

Drawbacks of being part of the administrative entity:
