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National Association of State Judicial Educators (NASJE)
Session Material

Keywords: Cognitive Biases Codex

The Cognitive Bias Codex is a handy visual tool that organizes biases in a meaningful way. Cognitive biases are a kind of ongoing cognitive ‘condition’–tendencies to selectively search for and interpret data in a way that confirms one’s existing beliefs. A cognitive bias is an inherent thinking ‘blind spot’ that reduces thinking accuracy and results inaccurate–and often irrational–conclusions. They can be viewed as either as causes or effects but can generally be reduced to broken thinking. Not all ‘broken thinking,’ blind spots, and failures of thought are labeled, of course. But some are so common that they are given names–and once named, they’re easier to identify, emphasize, analyze, and ultimately avoid.

This single image delineates dozens and dozens of ‘bad cognitive patterns’ that, as a visual, underscores how commonly our thinking fails us–and a result, where we might begin to improve.

The graphic is structure as a circle with four quadrants categorizing the cognitive biases into four categories:
1. Too Much Information
2. Not Enough Meaning
3. Need To Act Fast
4. What Should We Remember?.

From (July 2022) and (July 2022).


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