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Arizona Supreme Court AOC Education Services Division
Administration and Governance
Court Staff

Keywords: Financial, fees, accounting


The Administrative Office of the Courts established a special account with the AZ State Treasurer in 1995 for:
1. Registration fees
2. Tuition fees
3. Assessments
4. Other funds collected in support of the judicial department's ongoing educational system

Funds from the judicial education program account may be used for:
1. Program support (such as faculty expenses and fees, participant materials, delivery costs, etc.) or authorized program expenses (such as publications, self-study tools, audio-visual equipment, etc.)
2. Program-related participant expenses (such as reimbursement for travel, lodging, or per diem expenses; refreshments for breaks; meeting room and conference meal expenses, etc.)
3. Recognition of participation (such as inexpensive awards, certificates, or mementos)
4. Nonnal and customary business social events that occur as part of conference activities and for which a specific portion of a registration fee has been collected, except that no funds shall be expended for alcoholic beverages


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