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Supreme Court of Ohio Judicial College
Administration and Governance

Keywords: Impact evaluation, juvenile court, judges

This evaluation was undertaken to examine the impact of professional development courses offered through the Ohio Judicial College on juvenile judge/magistrate knowledge, beliefs/attitudes, and skills. Funding in support of the evaluation was provided by The Ohio Supreme Court‘s Court Improvement Project. Goals of judicial branch education include ensuring that judicial branch personnel have the knowledge and skills required to perform their judicial branch responsibilities with fairness and integrity, preserving impartiality and access to the justice system; and ensuring the administration of justice as well as public trust and confidence in the judicial branch.

The Best Practice guidelines capitalize on and extend existing practice and strengths of the Judicial College, and are as follows:
1. Align desired courses and curricula with organizational and national objectives, and with individual or group standards and needs whenever possible
2. Customize and tailor training and assessment/evaluation to county size and other demographics such as number of years experience
3. Design and Deliver professional development courses and sessions to incorporate a variety of techniques and that emphasize networking and engagement in a Community of Practice.
4. Assess courses using course-specific and objectives-based methods
5. Follow-up is essential to examining outcomes of professional development and establishing real-time corrections for optimal professional development outcomes

July 2011

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