Pay NASJE Dues

Current and new members may pay their dues online using the payment button below.

Who can join NASJE? 

  • Any person involved with or interested in judicial branch education is eligible for membership in the NASJE.

How much does it cost to join NASJE? 

  • All memberships are for a 12-month term.
  • Regular membership dues are $150 per person.
  • Membership dues for retirees are $50 per person.
  • As a member, you will automatically receive an email notice when it’s time to renew your membership.

What are my roles and responsibilities? 

  • Members in good standing shall have one vote in the affairs of NASJE, can hold office in NASJE, attend meetings, serve on committees and participate in discussions at meetings.
  • Membership dues must be paid no later than sixty (60) days prior to the Association’s annual meeting.
  • In order to hold office, a person’s membership dues must be paid no later than sixty (60) days prior to the Association’s annual meeting.

If you do not wish to pay via the internet, please mail your payment along with your member application.

Please select “Regular” or “Retired” from the dropdown and then click the “Pay Now” button.
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