
A healthy democracy depends upon a strong judicial branch of government. NASJE works to strengthen the third branch by providing education so that judges have the knowledge, skills and abilities they need to do their jobs and maintain the trust and confidence of the people they serve. Our membership is open to anyone who is interested in judicial branch education. I encourage you to explore the resources available on our website and consider joining NASJE as a member. Members have access to a wealth of resources, including publications, podcasts, webinars, networking opportunities, and reduced conference fees.
You might also be interested in supporting NASJE as a sponsor or exhibiting at our upcoming conference.
The next few years will be exciting as NASJE takes stock of its history and plans for its 50th anniversary celebration in 2025. We continue to see the ways in which the pandemic has changed the courts and shaped the delivery of education. Other challenges we face include national workforce trends, inflation, and increased scrutiny on the content of educational programming (such as implicit bias and racial justice). As judicial branch educators navigate these challenges, we find strength in sharing ideas and wisdom across state lines.
This is the membership organization that has professionalized judicial branch education over the past 47 years and raised the standard of quality that all of us have come to expect. This is the membership organization that will lead the way through the challenges we face and fight for a strong judicial branch. I hope you’ll join us.