by David Gordon, Academic Coordinator, Judicial Education, Nevada Supreme Court/AOC
As a part of the Judicial Administration, Training, and Decision Making Project for Kenya, in cooperation with the US Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program, a delegation from the Kenyan Courts visited the Nevada Supreme Court on October 31st, 2011. The group included Deputy Chief Justice and Vice president of the Supreme Court of Kenya, The Honorable Lady Justice Nancy Baraza, Director of the Judicial Training Institute, the Honorable Mr. Justice Paul Kariuki, and Chief Registrar Ms. Gladys Boss Shollei.

The delegations specific task was to gather information about judicial reform, and they met with Mr. Gary Turner, Manager of the Judicial Education Unit, and Mr. David Gordon, Academic Coordinator.
The delegation was provided with an overview of Nevada’s initial, and continuing judicial education requirements. Nevada’s Statutes and Supreme Court Rules governing continuing judicial education requirements were also discussed, and provided to the delegation.
The group asked questions regarding the adherence to continuing education requirements, and were interested in issues dealing with non-compliance (for which provisions are in place, but implementation has not been required), and were interested in the incentives provided to judges who achieve certain levels of educational accomplishment (Nevada provides awards in the form of certificates, plaques, etc. for achieving 240, 440, 640, and 1000 hours of education during a career). They were also interested in the process by which curricula and faculty are agreed upon.