Dear NASJE Colleagues,
As I receive solicitations from other associations and organizations, I am reminded of my duties as NASJE’s President to … promote the growth of NASJE and the strengthening of its position within the court community and ensure NASJE’s fiscal viability.
I am also reminded of NASJE’s mission: [to advance] the administration of justice by providing support, education, and resources to educators who develop quality continuing education for judicial officers and judicial branch personnel.
Funding, of course, helps NASJE achieve its mission.
If you find yourself looking for a tax deduction during the remaining days of 2016, NASJE’s website has information on how to donate to the association. Please check the right column of almost any page on the website for the DONATE button.
On behalf of the Board – thank you for all of your contributions to NASJE, whether they are monetary ones or ones related to committee membership, conference attendance, webinar attendance, providing mentorship to newer judicial educators, or sharing your knowledge as a presenter at a NASJE event. As they say, it takes a village.
Happy Holidays!
Caroline E. Kirkpatrick, Ph.D, NASJE President