Open to all regions: Western Region Webinar

building with columns

Monday, May 23, 2011
10-11:30 a.m. (Pacific Time)

Evidence-Based Sentencing Curriculum
Honorable Roger K. Warren, President Emeritus, National Center for State Courts

The National Center for State Courts has developed a new evidence‐based sentencing curriculum. The
model curriculum is designed to help judges use evidence‐based sentencing strategies to decrease the
number of repeat offenders and increase safety in their communities. Some examples of evidence‐based
sentencing strategies include:

  • using validated offender‐risk and needs‐assessment tools;
  • focusing corrections resources on medium‐ and high‐risk offenders rather than low‐risk offenders who aren’t likely to reoffend;
  • targeting services that have been proven to best predict future criminality to offender characteristics; and
  • using swift, certain, and graduated sanctions for probation violations.

This interactive session is a webinar version of the well-received March 2-3, 2011, Western Region Conference workshop of the same title.

Questions? Contact Michael Roosevelt, NASJE Western Region Director