NASJE Webinar: Law and Literature with Tim Baland
Date: September 2, 2015
Time: Noon-1:15 p.m. CDT

Save the date for this fun and informative webinar! NASJE members will be emailed information on how to participate prior to the event.
Join the Education and Curriculum Committee on Wednesday, September 2, 2015, in a webinar — Law & Literature with Tim Baland. The webinar will be held at 10:00am Pacific / 11:00pm Mountain / Noon Central / 1:00pm Eastern.
Mr. Baland will facilitate a 75-minute interactive session based on Pearl S. Buck’s short story “The Enemy“. His capsule summary of how the “Literature for Lifelong Learning” program typically works for judges follows:
Participants read one or more works of literature (typically a short story) in advance. The program itself involves a discussion by the participants of professional practice and professional responsibility issues, with discussion questions posed by the facilitator. The facilitator’s role is to pose questions which encourage participants to tap into their life experience, and to share with each other their ideas, insights and perspective on the issues that come up for discussion.
The issues that come up for discussion are usually a function of one of two things: either the theme or “purpose” of the program; or a function of the type of continuing judicial education (CJE) credit that participants earn through their attendance and participation. These programs have been approved for ethics and professional responsibility CJE credit in every jurisdiction where they have been offered.
Lastly, Lee Ann Barnhardt, North Dakota’s State Judicial Educator, will spend a few minutes sharing her experiences, both with Tim Baland’s services in teaching North Dakota judges and in using her own teaching skills and background to offer “Law and Literature” sessions to clerks and juvenile probation officers in that state. Not only will you have the opportunity to hear how one of your colleagues utilized this judicial education format and ask follow up questions, but you will have a model for using it in your own state. As if that weren’t enough, by attending the webinar you will engage in 75 minutes of professional development for yourself discussing topics related to diversity and ethics. We hope to “see” you there!