NASJE’s Education and Curriculum Committee, is excited to offer the first “zoominar”! This is like the callinars done in the past, just with Zoom so participants can use video or phone. The event will be held Thursday, July 30 @ 2:00 Eastern, 1:00 Central, 12:00 Mountain, 11:00 Pacific.
For this zoominar, the committee will host a discussion on the topic of Delivering Training & Education During a Pandemic. The cancellation of live events has impacted the way judicial educators typically approach education. Several colleagues will share the lessons they have learned in moving towards alternative education options. Attendees will be able to ask questions and share their own experiences as well. The goal is for everyone to come away with some tips and tricks to use when delivering training and education in new ways!
A recording of the zoominar will be posted on the members webpage afterwards.