I am constantly amazed at the dedicated NASJE members who, although their workloads are increasing and their budgets are decreasing, devote time to NASJE and continue to keep it strong.
Mr. Tom Langhorne (VA) and Ms. Claudia Fernandes (CA) have stepped forward as co-chairs of the Fundraising Committee and are busy working on plans to find a stable funding source for NASJE. The Fundraising Committee has been instrumental in finding sponsors for NASJE conferences and now looks toward future ways to keep NASJE fiscally strong.
Mr. Milt Nuzum (OH), chair of the NASJE Futures Committee, invited Mr. Stuart Forsyth, a legal futurist, to talk with the committee about the future of judicial branch education. The Futures Committee keeps NASJE strong by finding the leading edge information on judicial branch education, allowing us to anticipate trends impacting the courts and develop leading edge education programs.
Ms. Crystal Banks (DC) and Ms. Evie Lancaster (NV), co-chairs of the NASJE Education Committee, are finalizing the plans for the annual NASJE conference. We will have a joint conference with the National Association for Court Management (NACM) and both education committees have been busy planning the event. This will be an exciting conference and an opportunity for NASJE members to see and hear about NACM and how our two organizations can work together to provide excellent judicial branch education to all. You will be able to attend not only educational programs sponsored by NASJE but by NACM as well. The agenda looks excellent and strong; do you see a trend here?
Your NASJE Board held its mid-year meeting in February and is busy with projects. Your Board is dedicated to the continual growth and nurturing of NASJE. I am in the last months as your President but have worked with Joseph Sawyer (NV) your President-Elect and Marty Sullivan (AR) your Vice-President to develop a strong leadership team with one vision: to make NASJE a valued organization for the membership and a thriving organization. The regional directors have been active and have kept members in their regions informed, connected, and involved. Your Board is a dynamic team and I encourage any of you who may be interested in getting involved to join a committee and/or run for an office. Being on the Board as Western Regional Director, Secretary, Vice-President, President-Elect, and President has taught me so much and given me such a rich understanding, on a national level, of how important judicial branch education is and how each one of you are instrumental in keeping our judiciary, dare I say it, strong!
I know budgets are tight this year, but I encourage you to find a way to attend this year’s annual conference scheduled for July 10-13, 2011 at the Red Rock Resort, outside of Las Vegas. There will be great education, great networking, great rates, and great weather. I hope to see you there!