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Midwest Region Webinar Available to NASJE Membership

As you know, the #MeToo movement has generated a lot of attention on sexual harassment in the workplace.  In addition, some high-profile disclosures regarding judges sexually harassing subordinates have increased attention to sexual harassment within organizations that support the educational needs of judges. Many of us have reviewed, revised, or revamped sexual harassment training efforts for judges and court staff.  

Summer time and the living is busy!

As I write this message, it is the morning of June 21—the first official day of summer. I love this time of year in North Dakota. The days are long (official sunset at 9:41 today) and the nights are cool; perfect conditions for watching a beautiful sunset or having a campfire at the lake. As much as I would prefer spending my days near the water, there is work to be done to wrap up my presidency and prepare for our annual conference in August.

NASJE’s Leadership Wants YOU!

At the annual conference in August, NASJE’s newest Board members will be sworn into office. Candidates are recommended by the membership to NASJE’s Nominating Committee, chaired by Past President Caroline Kirkpatrick. Other committee members (representatives from each region) include Crystal Read more

Agassi and Douglas

What I learned from Andre Agassi

When I heard that former world No. 1 tennis player Andre Agassi was going to be the closing speaker at the Conference of Chief Justices mid-year meeting in January, I honestly geeked out just a little. I am a big fan and was looking forward to meeting him. My second thought was what could the chiefs possibly learn from a tennis star who was a 9th grade dropout? Surprisingly, I learned quite a few things from his fireside chat.

From the President (Spring 2018)

The board and the NASJE committees have been busy since we last met in Charleston. We are hard at work planning the 2018 Conference in Austin, Texas. It is scheduled for August 26-29, and the theme is “Developing Educational Leaders for Today’s Courts and Beyond.”

Callinar: Humans Hate Being Spun

The Education and Curriculum Committee is excited to offer the next session in our series of callinars. Mark your calendars for May 23, 2018, at 2:00EDT. We will discuss the article Humans Hate Being Spun: How to Practice Radical Honesty — from the Woman Who Defined Netflix’s Culture.

Bridging the Gap: The Power of Strategic Collaboration

Select education sessions from the 2018 NACM Midyear Conference will be live streamed and can be accessed through NACM’s conference website. You can view the full Midyear Agenda on the NACM conference app. While we’re sorry you can’t join us in person, we hope that you take in some of the rich educational programming back at home. The content is so good, we hope you won’t keep it to yourself! Share the details with a friend or colleague.

Is strategic planning a passion for you?

NACM is revising their Strategic Planning Curriculum and has invited NASJE members to take part in the process. To see the current materials, visit the NACM Core website, and contact Kathy Griffin at to get more information about serving Read more

From the President (Winter 2018)

Welcome to 2018! If you are like me, you have probably set and broken a few New Year’s Resolutions by now. Instead of setting resolutions for NASJE, I thought we would work toward goals- less cliché and perhaps a little less pressure.