Todd Brower
Last month the Board and I invited you to nominate a colleague for the Karen Thorson Award. The Karen Thorson Award was established in 2012 to recognize a career judicial educator who has made a significant contribution to both NASJE and judicial branch education. The deadline for submission of nomination materials is Friday, May 27, 2022.
The criteria for nomination are straightforward:
- The nominee must be a current or former member of NASJE
- The nominee must have had a significant positive impact on NASJE
- The nominee must have had a significant positive impact on judicial branch education
The following information must accompany each nomination:
- A letter of nomination explaining how the nominee satisfies the criteria of the award
- A biography of the nominee
- Two letters of support from individuals other than the party making the nomination
The NASJE Board awards the Karen Thorson Award at its discretion. The Board will discuss nominees at the Board’s June meeting (June 8, 2022). By July 1, it will be announced to the membership if a recipient has been chosen and the award will be presented at the Annual Conference in October in New Orleans.
Previous recipients of this award include Karen Thorson, Maureen Conner, Pat Murrell, Larry Stone, Jim Drennan, Michael Roosevelt, Margaret Allen, and Tom Langhorne.
–-Todd Brower, President, NASJE