Paul DeLosh

Upcoming NASJE Webcast – New Course Development Resource: The NACM Core

As judicial educators, our challenge is to develop courses year after year that are relevant, engaging, and provide the most up-to-date information. We use a variety of resources to accomplish this daunting task, and this year, our partners at the National Association for Court Management (NACM) have released thirteen curriculum designs that align with the NACM Core, the updated version of the NACM Core Competencies.

Open Space: The All Coffee Break Conference

When I began working at the Federal Judicial center ten years ago, I first heard of a learning conference concept called “open space.” You may have heard of it or even used it. It seemed so odd to me! Basically, learners come together with a predetermined, overarching topic for a specific amount of time with no specific agenda topics predefined at all. Some people call this an “unconference” or “open conference.”

Kelly Tait Webinar

Procedural Fairness for Court Staff

On February 25, 2016, NASJE’s Northeastern Region sponsored a webinar for NASJE members entitled Procedural Fairness for Court Staff: A Brief Curriculum for Teaching, facilitated by Kelly Tait, Immediate Past President of NASJE, and Joan Bishop, NASJE Northeastern Region Director. About 55 people participated in the webinar. It was a very quick-moving and informative exploration of how and why judicial branch educators should include the topic of procedural fairness in education programs for court personnel as well as judges.

NASJE Member Kudos

Several NASJE members published articles in Judicial Education and Training: Journal of the International Organization for Judicial Training, Issue 4 (2015). Congratulations to all of them for their fine work in Judicial Branch Education.

Topics Survey

NJC Releases Preliminary Data on Criminal Justice Training Survey

As part of the curriculum development process, NJC surveyed state judicial educators, state court administrators, and other stakeholders to identify specific needs around judicial education in the criminal justice arena and how the developed curriculum might meet those needs. The NASJE Futures Committee shares the following information with NASJE in support of its objectives, and as a “thank you” to those NASJE members who participated in the survey.