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President’s Communication Update

As you know, recently the NASJE website has been revamped as part of our effort to better connect with you and other site users. It has come to our attention that some members have not always received NASJE information or communications or have been unclear as to the ways in which interaction occurs within the organization. Let me provide some information on NASJE communications. I apologize for the length, but I wanted to provide all the info in one place for your convenience.

From the New President (Fall 2021)

As many of you know (and the rest know now!), the NASJE Board of Directors meets monthly to guide the overall arc of the organization. At our last meeting immediately following the conference, the Board confirmed the importance of transparency with the membership and wanted to share with our colleagues the highlights of the meeting and the major issues it discussed.

From the President (Fall 2021)

If you were in Denver in 2019 you may have heard me refer to you, my NASJE family, as ‘my fellow unicorns.’ I say unicorns because, by definition we are unusual, rare, and unique. While every day we are lone unicorns, whose position is so rare others in our home organizations have a hard time knowing what we actually do. When I look around this organization, I know I am surrounded by UNICORNS ~ some of the most unusual, rare, unique minds I have had the pleasure to work with. So, after 2 terms as your president I have some advice for our new President and the 2021-2022 Board of Directors.